Jan 7, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

Man, I was feeling slightly better this morning when I found out the FDA has to release all it’s Pfizer vaccine documents within 8 months, and now you’ve gone and depressed me again.

You’re completely right, of course. Sigh.

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The 30-40% immersed in mass formation aren’t reachable.

The small % who know we’re in SO MUCH TROUBLE “must continue to speak out, or else the mass will deepen & then the crowd will begin to commit atrocities” (Mattias Desmet).

Our goal can only be to shock / seduce / persuade some of the “go along to get along” folk who aren’t in the mass but, so far, have not spoken out, to do so. And to do so now.

I don’t have a vision of what success looks like or even what might constitute progress.

***But successfully resisting the installation of the VaxPass system is absolutely central.***

Unless we do, totalitarian tyranny will be made permanent. We wouldn’t like that.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

Excellent essay. What you write seems so incredibly obvious, but many anti-covid voices (Berenson, eugyppius, el gato) refuse to go there. They keep inspecting the deciduous leaves of covid data while being oblivious to the totalitarian forest that sprung up around them.

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People appreciate your article! Eyes are opening wide!

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Thank you so much for your effort, Laurence. Very well put. I am sharing it on several places, to get people to wake up and get off the broken record of the "vaccine". Meanwhile, I'm coughing my lungs out on this nasty stuff hopium...

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

This is a superb post- very sobering. Even if the vaccine narrative stops, the cabal will simply switch tactics. Also, a great deal of damage has already been done:


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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

There are, of course, many unforeseen things that could change the current direction: worldwide catastrophies, wars, natural disasters, economic collapse, a really deadly virus that there is no vaccine for, etc. None of these are pleasant, but they would change the direction fairly quickly.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

Thank you, thank you, thank you for standing up and putting this all together for everyone. Although I’m up on science & adverse events of it all - had no idea of these digital wallets & who is behind them. Much love and gratitude for the work you’re doing - it’s critical now 🙏💚✨

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

This is fantastic but also horrible.

I see the logic of all that you are saying, but I still have questions (I know, I know, none of it makes sense, but still).

If I were to enact a global masterplan to drive everyone to a digital ID/social credit/CBDC I don't think a dangerous vaccine with multiple boosters would be the way to do it. I'd have much better acceptance if I had a safe single shot vaccine. Why did they go for a mRNA one (known to have ongoing safety issues), and for a coronavirus (never made a successful & durable vaccine, was defo always going to require multiple doses)?

Why would I do it at all, when everyone under 40 is dead keen to do everything digitally anyway? My kids (teens) won't even use a cash card - they only use their phones. You could just wait a few years. Is the collapse of the financial system so imminent that they had to move now? Or was this an opportunistic move when the virus escaped earlier than planned?

Why does a digital id/CBDC need health information attached to it anyway? Who is the purpose of it? Who cares if I had chicken pox or a chicken pox vaccine?

I'm sure there are more.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

This is brilliant. I’m in awe. And despair. I’m going to have a hit on my hopium pipe (well a glass of red) and come back to you with positivity and solutions.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

Malone says things that are very wrong, and pretends like he couldn't have known. Umm taking the vaccine for long covid? A vaccine expert would know that you don't take a vaccine after having had a disease! He also at one point said the vaccines are ok for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester.... Why? Who knows there's no fn data on pregnancy!

I never felt like he was honest. Perhaps a limited hangout, or just a moron who pretends to be smart...



Also, they all believe it's a real virus despite knowing that the test is bullshit and the stats and treatments have been rigged for high death counts and issues


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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

Don't lose your hope! Or hopium or whatever. The COVID narrative is now conflated with climate change scares. Vaccination is now conflated with health, health is conflated with climate protection, which in turn is conflated with veganism and not flying. All of this insanity is either going to drive people suicidal (if they believe in it) or it's going to wake them up and make them angry. As soon as food and energy become scarce, the sheep have no choice but to wake up (or alternatively, die). As a society, we have become weak and scattered. But any stab raises our awareness and resistance, and makes us stronger. It's a rule of nature.

Are they trying to establish a system of digital control that spans beyond COVID? Yes. Does that mean they have already won and there is no hope? Fuck no. With every new lie that is uncovered, people will believe them less and less. There is already more resistance than you think. They're just hiding it, because they know that they don't stand a chance against a unified population. But to every force, there is a counter-force, and the stronger someone pushes, the stronger the resistance will be. And as it has been said: the night is darkest just before dawn.

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Jan 11, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

I think perhaps you are discounting the slow and incremental unveiling that is at hand, that with each passing "emergency" such as 9-11, the financial crisis of 2008, and most recently the covid plandemic, there is an increasing awareness among a growing segment of the worlds population that those who govern over us, are as a general rule, criminal psychopaths.

Despite the widespread malaise of modern society, with the help of suggestion and the use of high technology to herd behavior, there is a sub-group of human beings that are evolving a new perception of reality. As these dark overlords use their implements of institutional power, there is a counter formation growing in the universe of man, out of which will rise a power of logos that with unrelenting and fearless abandon will sweep the hearts of man.

This does not preclude much pain and suffering, but pain and suffering is nothing new on this plane, it is now only magnified by our global communications platforms. The threat of an all pervasive and omnipotent tyranny borne of technology and the misapplication of power, both overt and occult, by it's very nature causes a counter trend in the cosmic hierarchy, which forces adaptation, evolution and a new future human. This new human will be stripped of its adolescent naivete, it will function from a locus of self sovereignty rather then dependence, and it will give rise to new human faculties that heretofore lie dormant and unrealized.

Hope is eternal, it is the spark of the Creator within us, and when wed to the unrelenting desire of reunification with the Logos (Truth in all things), the universe bends and becomes malleable to this refined will.

Regardless of the limited hang-out characters, the sheer depth of the rot within all branches of government, and the seemingly indefatigable nature of the enemy, there is a causal opposite in motion.

Be careful not to feed nihilism, it is a path of despair and despondency within which many can perish.

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Excellent, sobering, face-smacking, oratory-worthy WTF-ishness. But I couldn't help disagreeing with the final sentiment, "And that is never going to happen. So welcome to the New Normal. Enjoy your stay because you don’t get to leave. Ever." Aside from reincarnation into a happier place, it doesn't have to be so terminally indelible. Hopium is only opium if it involves inaction and apathetic reliance on others. I for one maintain hope in the human spirit, that we, however you look at it, have endured and will continue to endure. That there is a greater love and awakened consciousness that is above all this globalist lust for power. I do not subscribe to its (or your) inevitability. That being said, I commend you for your acute and ferocious perception and I'm with you on all points (except the aforementioned). Looking forward to more.

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It is turning in the sense of which side is gaining a bigger majority. Every single day, they lose numbers and the No side gains. At some point, it will all tip over, but it may be a while.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Laurence Flynn

I remember watching a documentary once about a cave in Mexico filled with beetles, billions of them. And I thought, if the cave collapsed, and they all died, no one would even notice. You will say, ah, but these were beetles, we are people. Well. A million people a year die from diarrhoea. Did you ever stop to think about that? Every year, a million. I love God, read the Bible every day, but I have to wonder: what exactly is he up to? Butterflies and sunsets are beautiful, the love of my wife is beautiful, but a million people die each year from diarrhoea, without even getting on to the beetles. How much suffering exactly is worth a couple of butterflies? My point is. We are just sliding into literal hell, and there is no stopping it. We aren't going to stop it with substack. we aren't going to be saved by Jesus stomping in on the white horse. The million deaths a year are just a drop in the ocean of suffering. My point is. 95% are vaccinated, asleep, may as well be dead already if that's living. No one knows anything. Reading is way too hard. Facebook exists. People think their opinions are valuable. A million people die each year from diarrhoea. Imagine what a death that is, literally liquid shitting yourself to death. Sorry if that puts you off your cornflakes, I know we aren't supposed to think about it. Wait, let me do the math. Yeah that's 2,800 per day. 100 per hour. Probably 20 people have died while you're reading this post, of diarrhoea. So what are we actually trying to save here? My point is. I don't have one. Now I'm going back to listen to the rest of Ghosteen by Nick Cave.

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