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God already intervened when he created the system. However he allows freedom. An example of what that means:

When Rome fell bands of criminals sacked the cities and plundered the country side for centuries. Before that the Emperors had squeezed the citizens, culminating in the beginnings of feudalism. Slavery for all but the privileged elite, those bowing to central authority.

This went on, more or less, for over a thousand years. Life wasn't necessarily terrible all day every day, but it was fundamentally unfree and tyrannical.

So I'm less than optimistic. At least I probably won't have to suffer as long as most people, choosing to meet this hard when it finally arrives.

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As jesus said in Luke 21verse 16 God wil give you the words when they persecute you. I believe those deeply convicted are being communicated to in their spirit and will continue to be in these perilous times. This is our conscience our intuition which tells us that this jab is spirutually life changing and its modus operandus is about altering your genome rendering you less human a transhumanism demonic entity that wil no longer hear from God. Why is the pope telling folk to take the jab? Because he is part of the demicide and not of God

controlled by technocracytthe iron mixed with clay not of God, not good.

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