Difficult but great questions. Either the vaccine isn't as dangerous as we all fear or it is. If it isn't, then job done. It also furthers the GMO agenda. If it is dangerous then it's likely to be a slow-kill bioweapon, thinning out the herd over a decade or more. That achieves some depopulation, it's a win-win.
Difficult but great questions. Either the vaccine isn't as dangerous as we all fear or it is. If it isn't, then job done. It also furthers the GMO agenda. If it is dangerous then it's likely to be a slow-kill bioweapon, thinning out the herd over a decade or more. That achieves some depopulation, it's a win-win.
The collapse of the financial system could happen tomorrow, it could be 5 years. One thing that is certain is that it can't absorb another major shock. And that shock could come at any moment.
I believe that the majority of humanity would oppose CBDC. Sure, Gen-Z might readily accept it but not Millennials and not my generation, Gen-X. And the Boomers, forget about it.
Right now the Global ID system is being developed with vaccines in mind. This is just a ruse, a cover-story.
It’s a crap cover story. I hate the idea of a Global ID, but I effectively have one in the form of my passport, Global Entry metrics, and bank cards. I accept all this to help counter money laundering & so on.
But tie in my health records? No way. They can fuck off. That’s between me and my doctor.
"Either the vaccine isn't as dangerous as we all fear or it is."
I suspect this is the case. The reason for the huge numbers of 'adverse events' & deaths is simply because 40% of the planet has taken the shots. That's 3 billion humans. There are going to be a ton of bad outcomes in a sample of that size. I also suspect the depopulation thing is fear porn brought on and exaggerated by a sort of Freudian death-fear. The answer is massive biblical criminality on a global scale to reap $1 trillion + profits from this 'enterprise'. Follow the money.
It’s not about money. Well, in a real sense, everything is.
What I mean is that the vaccines aren’t about money. They’re about installing a totalitarian control system.
Why would anyone want that?
From then onwards, a database will decide whether or not the VaxPass holder may or may not cross that threshold or undertake this transaction.
There are no limits to what can be controlled in this way.
Add to the mix the requirement to accept repeated “vaccinations” in order to maintain validity of your VaxPass, and you have the perfect setting for mass depopulation.
I may be quite wrong about their intentions but I don’t think so.
Why would anyone want that? Most likely because we are at the end of the fossil fuel era, and they think they can pull off a Controlled Démolition of the economy, averting or deferring total chaos.
They’ve convinced most people that we’re entering an era of scarcity.
Also, an era where humans are destroying their own environment.
While we definitely should do better, I don’t accept either statement. They’re both PROPAGANDA, designed to break resistance to the idea that there needs to be a great deal fewer of us.
You know what? Even if both statements were true, the LAST people I’d want managing any transition is this bunch of psychopaths.
In relation to fossil fuels, we should use them judiciously. We’re not about to run out. Their extraction costs will rise steadily, but note, the vast majority of the costs we pay are taxes.
In pollution, I disagree. We’ve become much cleaner. The world isn’t faintly overpopulation & in two generations, the dominant problem will be FALLING population.
I worked out that every human alive could comfortably fit in Texas in a plot size that’s not absurdly tiny.
Not suggesting we do this. But once you realise how big the world is, you appreciate its yet more propaganda, intended to induce hopelessness & mute acceptance even when we rumble what they’re up to.
I will continue to back human ingenuity over chaos all day.
Away with your silly lies, “Globalists”. We see you.
I love all of this! I remember clear as day reading a biology textbook in college that someone calculated the earth could easily handle 11 billion people if we managed our resources wisely. That has often come back to me as a comforting calculation when the fear porn gets me down. And I've recently accepted in my soul that I am NOT personally responsible for all the failures happening on our planet and it's the creeps who want to revamp the whole system who are responsible for these failures in the first place. So I'm absolutely with you on not trusting them to manage a transition. They had a chance. They blew it. Next!
Difficult but great questions. Either the vaccine isn't as dangerous as we all fear or it is. If it isn't, then job done. It also furthers the GMO agenda. If it is dangerous then it's likely to be a slow-kill bioweapon, thinning out the herd over a decade or more. That achieves some depopulation, it's a win-win.
The collapse of the financial system could happen tomorrow, it could be 5 years. One thing that is certain is that it can't absorb another major shock. And that shock could come at any moment.
I believe that the majority of humanity would oppose CBDC. Sure, Gen-Z might readily accept it but not Millennials and not my generation, Gen-X. And the Boomers, forget about it.
Right now the Global ID system is being developed with vaccines in mind. This is just a ruse, a cover-story.
It’s a crap cover story. I hate the idea of a Global ID, but I effectively have one in the form of my passport, Global Entry metrics, and bank cards. I accept all this to help counter money laundering & so on.
But tie in my health records? No way. They can fuck off. That’s between me and my doctor.
"Either the vaccine isn't as dangerous as we all fear or it is."
I suspect this is the case. The reason for the huge numbers of 'adverse events' & deaths is simply because 40% of the planet has taken the shots. That's 3 billion humans. There are going to be a ton of bad outcomes in a sample of that size. I also suspect the depopulation thing is fear porn brought on and exaggerated by a sort of Freudian death-fear. The answer is massive biblical criminality on a global scale to reap $1 trillion + profits from this 'enterprise'. Follow the money.
It’s not about money. Well, in a real sense, everything is.
What I mean is that the vaccines aren’t about money. They’re about installing a totalitarian control system.
Why would anyone want that?
From then onwards, a database will decide whether or not the VaxPass holder may or may not cross that threshold or undertake this transaction.
There are no limits to what can be controlled in this way.
Add to the mix the requirement to accept repeated “vaccinations” in order to maintain validity of your VaxPass, and you have the perfect setting for mass depopulation.
I may be quite wrong about their intentions but I don’t think so.
I think you understand the current Agenda extremely well.
Why would anyone want that? Most likely because we are at the end of the fossil fuel era, and they think they can pull off a Controlled Démolition of the economy, averting or deferring total chaos.
They’ve convinced most people that we’re entering an era of scarcity.
Also, an era where humans are destroying their own environment.
While we definitely should do better, I don’t accept either statement. They’re both PROPAGANDA, designed to break resistance to the idea that there needs to be a great deal fewer of us.
You know what? Even if both statements were true, the LAST people I’d want managing any transition is this bunch of psychopaths.
In relation to fossil fuels, we should use them judiciously. We’re not about to run out. Their extraction costs will rise steadily, but note, the vast majority of the costs we pay are taxes.
In pollution, I disagree. We’ve become much cleaner. The world isn’t faintly overpopulation & in two generations, the dominant problem will be FALLING population.
I worked out that every human alive could comfortably fit in Texas in a plot size that’s not absurdly tiny.
Not suggesting we do this. But once you realise how big the world is, you appreciate its yet more propaganda, intended to induce hopelessness & mute acceptance even when we rumble what they’re up to.
I will continue to back human ingenuity over chaos all day.
Away with your silly lies, “Globalists”. We see you.
I love all of this! I remember clear as day reading a biology textbook in college that someone calculated the earth could easily handle 11 billion people if we managed our resources wisely. That has often come back to me as a comforting calculation when the fear porn gets me down. And I've recently accepted in my soul that I am NOT personally responsible for all the failures happening on our planet and it's the creeps who want to revamp the whole system who are responsible for these failures in the first place. So I'm absolutely with you on not trusting them to manage a transition. They had a chance. They blew it. Next!
100% agree. Initially, I endowed the perpetrators with clarity of thinking & extraordinarily careful planning.
I no longer think this.
We shall take it as a good thing!
"massive biblical criminality on a global scale" - couldn't agree more. This Omicron wave is a wave of reactions to the virus.