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It feels great to see in words well spoken what IS REALLY GOING ON and how FAR ALONG IT REALLY IS. I have been feeling this way for a while but when I tried to express it to others, they couldn’t grasp it. I tried to tell them this isn't like the civil war where guns etc. can make much of a difference although I respect the courage and all to fight back. It is a fast moving train no matter what temporary glitches might hold it up a tad, and the powers that be know it. At this late stage, GOD is the only force that can halt this train and crash it. I think we all should start praying as much as possible and often for intervention. I imagine our creator isn’t exactly happy about all this.

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I respect your beliefs but for me I don't think God intervenes directly in the affairs of humans. Our history is nothing but an encyclopedia of suffering, hardship, war, pain and genocide. I see no evidence He has ever intervened and if He has, why is He so selective? I think we're on our own on this one.

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They say, PRAYER, makes a difference. What do we have to lose at this point anyways!

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Absolutely. No downside at all. :)

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Amen to that

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Christian thinking is more along the lines of “mankind” makes the error by not having a relationship with God and following his teachings (also distorted by man). However, I believe If much of the world prays all together for Help, God will hear the pleas! You know when you think about God’s magnificent creation of the astoundingly beautiful earth, humans and animal kingdom, you know its a power beyond comprehension. The human body being massacred by the vaxes with possible short & likely long-term damage, will shorten many lives, if not all-can’t imagine our creator being pleased. Mankind interfering with his creation to this extent Globally may lead to intervention.

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I believe we will be extinct without intervention. I think prayers have made a difference.

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This makes me think of things I’ve read about people trying to ‘raise humanity’s vibration’ by all meditating on the concept of love or similar. People get together in big groups to do it. Sort of a similar concept from a different point of view.

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God already intervened when he created the system. However he allows freedom. An example of what that means:

When Rome fell bands of criminals sacked the cities and plundered the country side for centuries. Before that the Emperors had squeezed the citizens, culminating in the beginnings of feudalism. Slavery for all but the privileged elite, those bowing to central authority.

This went on, more or less, for over a thousand years. Life wasn't necessarily terrible all day every day, but it was fundamentally unfree and tyrannical.

So I'm less than optimistic. At least I probably won't have to suffer as long as most people, choosing to meet this hard when it finally arrives.

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As jesus said in Luke 21verse 16 God wil give you the words when they persecute you. I believe those deeply convicted are being communicated to in their spirit and will continue to be in these perilous times. This is our conscience our intuition which tells us that this jab is spirutually life changing and its modus operandus is about altering your genome rendering you less human a transhumanism demonic entity that wil no longer hear from God. Why is the pope telling folk to take the jab? Because he is part of the demicide and not of God

controlled by technocracytthe iron mixed with clay not of God, not good.

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We have never had a global attempt, coordinated to enslave all of humanity before. God is Sovereign over history...which is hard for us to comprehend. Our Creator is our only hope. I see Him interceding before the destruction of His children. We who believe and trust in Him MUST pray and continue in love for our neighbor. He said He will never abandon us, whether we live or die, we should not despair. If a Christian, we understand that this world is not our home. He is the hope that is within us...and it is open to all who will call on Him asking to be saved.

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Amen. God is our refuge .We all have to be united in the fight to resist

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Agree about God, but doesn't it look like He left the U.S. decades ago? I urge people to look at the early 1960s to see what we did to end up on our own. We had problems prior to that; 1865 & 1913 come to mind, but something was the last straw. Welcome to the land of millstones.

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