Excellent, sobering, face-smacking, oratory-worthy WTF-ishness. But I couldn't help disagreeing with the final sentiment, "And that is never going to happen. So welcome to the New Normal. Enjoy your stay because you don’t get to leave. Ever." Aside from reincarnation into a happier place, it doesn't have to be so terminally indelible. Ho…
Excellent, sobering, face-smacking, oratory-worthy WTF-ishness. But I couldn't help disagreeing with the final sentiment, "And that is never going to happen. So welcome to the New Normal. Enjoy your stay because you don’t get to leave. Ever." Aside from reincarnation into a happier place, it doesn't have to be so terminally indelible. Hopium is only opium if it involves inaction and apathetic reliance on others. I for one maintain hope in the human spirit, that we, however you look at it, have endured and will continue to endure. That there is a greater love and awakened consciousness that is above all this globalist lust for power. I do not subscribe to its (or your) inevitability. That being said, I commend you for your acute and ferocious perception and I'm with you on all points (except the aforementioned). Looking forward to more.
Thanks for reading. Allow me to expound on my last point a little bit. The System is just too entrenched in the upper echelons of power across society. In government, finance, business, media - everywhere that counts. Most people don't know it exists so it has a free reign to execute its agendas. I just believe it's so entrenched that to destroy it you need to destroy the thing it has latched on to. And that, unfortunately, is everything. I don't foresee any global revolution that topples all the central banks and seizes the wealth of the elite, returning it to the people. Any "off with their heads" revolution will not even target the many heads of this hydra.
I too believe that there is a great awakening happening but that is an individual journey. I don't see how it extricates humanity from the clutches of the System, intangible as it is.
Absolutely. The hydra of the system - and apparently in the vaccine itself - is a malevolent construct. But I still believe we have the possibility of changing what seems inevitable. Things are unfolding, there are elements in play that none of us can predict the outcome, it's a shell game, there are so many variables that to predict our own failure is itself a form of surrender. The more individuals wake up, the more liable the 100th monkey.
"Hopium is only opium if it involves inaction and apathetic reliance on others. "
That's the distinction I got from the article, but I would restate it to read: "Hope is only hopium if it involves inaction and apathetic reliance on others."
Hope is a positive action, but using hope as the basis for a delusion of safety is what the author meant by referring to "Hopium".
Excellent, sobering, face-smacking, oratory-worthy WTF-ishness. But I couldn't help disagreeing with the final sentiment, "And that is never going to happen. So welcome to the New Normal. Enjoy your stay because you don’t get to leave. Ever." Aside from reincarnation into a happier place, it doesn't have to be so terminally indelible. Hopium is only opium if it involves inaction and apathetic reliance on others. I for one maintain hope in the human spirit, that we, however you look at it, have endured and will continue to endure. That there is a greater love and awakened consciousness that is above all this globalist lust for power. I do not subscribe to its (or your) inevitability. That being said, I commend you for your acute and ferocious perception and I'm with you on all points (except the aforementioned). Looking forward to more.
Thanks for reading. Allow me to expound on my last point a little bit. The System is just too entrenched in the upper echelons of power across society. In government, finance, business, media - everywhere that counts. Most people don't know it exists so it has a free reign to execute its agendas. I just believe it's so entrenched that to destroy it you need to destroy the thing it has latched on to. And that, unfortunately, is everything. I don't foresee any global revolution that topples all the central banks and seizes the wealth of the elite, returning it to the people. Any "off with their heads" revolution will not even target the many heads of this hydra.
I too believe that there is a great awakening happening but that is an individual journey. I don't see how it extricates humanity from the clutches of the System, intangible as it is.
Absolutely. The hydra of the system - and apparently in the vaccine itself - is a malevolent construct. But I still believe we have the possibility of changing what seems inevitable. Things are unfolding, there are elements in play that none of us can predict the outcome, it's a shell game, there are so many variables that to predict our own failure is itself a form of surrender. The more individuals wake up, the more liable the 100th monkey.
yes the 100th monkey has been in my thoughts recently too!
"Hopium is only opium if it involves inaction and apathetic reliance on others. "
That's the distinction I got from the article, but I would restate it to read: "Hope is only hopium if it involves inaction and apathetic reliance on others."
Hope is a positive action, but using hope as the basis for a delusion of safety is what the author meant by referring to "Hopium".
Pretty much this. 👍