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Entirely, and faster than a speed train are things now unfolding, so I would have to concur, and I do think that there is need for a courageous perspective on perplexing and ferocious spiritual dimension to all of this and the bounty out for our souls through the democide that the merchants of the earth irrespective of democracy are enforcing upon us.

These principalities are working with an infamous foe, who the bible describes as the anti-christ and interestingly, Prince Charles at the COP 26 in Glasgow UK, rattled on about trillions being needed to combat the evil of climate change. Us humans have abused the finite resources of the earth and the cost to human and plant lives has been so grievious that it will infinitely cost to reset it.

(You can also bet that the wheels of the spin doctors (warlocks) will also need to be stoked for that money farm.

In spiritual discernment, is it wrong to deduce that for Prince Charles alluding to someone with trillions at his disposal, that person is probably financially ominipotent? Acquiring wealth as he does, from what Revelation describes as the merchants of the earth who we now know as the global business elite magnates of media, pharma, technocracy). I close by asking who is the richest person in the world at the moment, is he the anti-christ, we now that science and tech are worshipped, for who is like the beast?

They won't know the tsunami when the sea which they think they own because there is no God right, that sea turns to blood, and they can't drink fresh lake water anymore. The principalities know the truth, but the magnates have bought the lie, that there is no God and God was invented to keep all and sundry in his place. They believe this must all be conjecture, but the Revelation is revealing that in some countries you can't buy or trade without the jab, so if it really incredulous to believe the jab can't be the mark.

We have been expecting this spiritual war to come to a head and now in the form of a one world government it has come to pass, with the whole world under its totalitarian grip of power, veiled as the science. (Is this what Daniel was alluding to about the clay and the iron? The new science of salvation is lusted through the power to amass wealth, with human lives sacrificed to baal). their end game is genocide. At this point I just pray that God provides salvation to those who didn't know him but lost their lives through ignorance to taking or having the jab forced upon them.

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Salient points indeed. 👍

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Life is a personal gift not a commodity of another

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