Thank you for this post, more specifically catching a few key details I missed, namely the timing of events. The predictive programming, occult memetics, revelation of the method - align with the verbiage many of us are aware of, and you stated, it also aligns with the infamous Deagle Report. 2024 will be interesting, challenging, with many unfolding events, and 2025 may well be devastating.

If you're curious about a few thing I may have caught in terms of occult symbolism, see my post, linked below.


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A good read, thanks. But we really have to differentiate between symbology and metaphor. For instance, you mentioned such things as the colour blue and the checkerboard motifs. While these things do symbolise certain things their inclusion doesn't further any narrative. That is why I said that the symbology is there to distract the close-minded NPCs who see such things, think it's stupid, and then dismiss the actual message of the film told with metaphors.

I would like to ask why you think White Lion symbolises Yaldabaoth. I'm familiar with Gnostic teaches but don't believe I've come across this reference.

Good catch on Taney Farm. I totally missed that.

I think you're too focused on the symbology and missed the real message of the movie. And that was why they put so much of it in there. If this is a true Revelation of the Method there would be a clear but obfuscated message that includes what they plan and why.

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Thank you for your comment, and advice. I do confess, that at times I get caught up in some of the minutiae. It's possible I missed the message, if so, please enlighten me as I'm seeking the truth and willing to learn.

The reason I chose to show some of the symbology is because, not everyone is aware that there are specific groups attempting to manipulate the masses. More specifically, by understanding these groups and their symbols, one takes away some of the power of these groups and their symbols.

You are correct, in that obfuscation is part and parcel for any Revelation of the Method (their "karmic" cleansing so to speak).

I hope to reach as many as possible, and recognize that everyone is at a different level in their path towards truth.

Regarding the White Lion as a metaphor and literal symbol of Ialdaboth (Yaldabaoth), the demiurge, Lucifer...and to the Free Masons, the Great Architect of the Universe, also known as Leotoeidus by the Greeks - well, at times a lion's head on a serpent body, with a bright sun-like disc is used to represent this entity, or, in other words, a White Lion.

The references, names, and symbols for this entity are many, overlapping, and at times conflated.

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Thanks for that explanation! The simple message of the film is just that there will be a cyberattack and it will be used to usher in an era of enslavement for humanity. This will be done with CBDCs and abolishing cash. I will assume you are read up on Central Bank Digital Currency which is essentially digital slavery and subservience.

I also assume from your post that you are a Christian. I don't want to offend you but would like run past you a possibility. And that is...is it possible the Jewish God, Yahweh is actually Yaldabaoth, or Baal, or Lucifer, the greatest of deceivers. In the OT he is pretty bloodthirsty. And sounds like a completely different entity to the Father that Jesus talks about. Jesus even addresses the Jews and tells them that they are not of the Father, but the Synagogue of Satan. To me, this would explain a lot. To anyone that reads this, please don't take this as anti-semitic. I love all peoples equally but I'm just trying to decode this reality. There is a lot of darkness in the Torah, Talmud and Kabbalah. So different from the teachings of Christ. I wouldn't call myself a Christian but one could say I'm Christian because I believe in Christ but I reject the church, long ago captured by the dark forces. I believe Christ was a Nazarene, a gnostic, and not from Nazareth.

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Thanks for the response. Yes, a pending Cyberattack was the message I received, the blatant warning to America...

I appreciate your thoughts, questions and journey.

CBDCs most certainly are one aspect of this greater agenda that I've covered some (one link below).

Regarding Yaldabaoth and Yahweh...you've made an astute and likely correct observation, in my opinion.

Regarding the Kabballah, it's the root of many occult magical systems, from Hermeticism to Thelema...used by modern Luciferian Free Masons.

Gnostics seem to have uncovered significant truths. Another link below.





Occult magic:


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Laurence, your post is very interesting, but you're way off on this, and your eternal soul is at stake. I speak as someone who believed very similar things to what you just wrote until quite recently.

Do not underestimate how subtle and deceptive the forces of evil are - in the most polite possible way, you have been terribly deceived and you're on your way to burn for all eternity if you don't straighten out your thinking, the meaning of the word repent is reconsider.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnMpfoxYSFY and the other 3 parts of the Third Adam series by Spencer Smith covers a lot of this. Have you ever actually read the Bible? I hadn't when I believed (or at least entertained the possibility) that what you just wrote there was true.

There is indeed a synagogue of Satan, and indeed it has major influence in the world (along with Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Theosophists and other occultists), but it isn't "The Jews", it's most of what what the world calls Jews, but there is also a remnant of those who do not subscribe to Kaballism which derives from Babylonian mysticism.

I humbly ask that you watch the Third Adam series, and ponder the subtlety of the deception that has been achieved in order to drag you to hell, and that you take a look at https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/ and purchase and read a KJV bible (this is too long to explain here, all other versions derive from manuscripts that gnostic occultists have managed to misrepresent as trustworthy).

ALL religions in the world are from this deception, Bible believing Christianity is not a religion, in fact God/Jesus hates religion, He was murdered by religious people. All religions derive from the same place (the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3, wherein Satan tells Eve that through knowledge she will attain to godhood), which is why they all say there's something you can do, learn or some works you can complete to earn your enlightenment/salvation/liberation/gnosis/whatever, they all come from the same place, and they're all reuniting for the end just as the Bible predicted they would 2000 years ago (and more in the case of many OT prophecies), which is why you see such ecumenism and unification taking place religiously with all the various religions coming together and declaring that they are all following different paths to the same god, this is a lie (it's not God) and simultaneously true (they are all worshipping the same thing, Satan, but they don't know it).

In contrast, Bible believing Christianity says there's nothing you can do to merit or earn eternal life, but rather that it's a free gift given by God that you didn't deserve. The Bible says that you're a sinner, that the only payment for sin that God accepts is blood, but that because of his love for mankind he came to earth as Jesus Christ to die in your place: You did the crime, he paid the price, all you have to do is accept the free gift, you're not saved by works but by faith in the completely all-sufficient sacrifice of his blood on the cross which paid the price for all your sins, past present and future.

No religion says anything like that, they all advance a works-based salvation narrative in which YOU can be god-like (Genesis 3) through your own strength, this is the complete opposite of Christianity, and it's why it isn't a religion. The Bible says you're saved because God is good, not because you are.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvvU_RpW4Pk is part 1 of a very long (but extremely interesting) series about the modern manifestation of this thread that weaves its way through all of human history, and how governments, NGOs, think tanks, foundations, media, entertainment, religions etc have mainstreamed the false narrative of mankind rising to higher consciousness or enlightenment through works.

Should you be ready to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, the Gospel is found in https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1-Corinthians-Chapter-15/

"that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"

Yes, it really is as simple as that, and you contribute nothing to it - He already did it all.

God bless you, and thanks for the article, I'll take a look at the rest of your stack and pray that The Lord will reveal the truth to you about this.

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Many thanks for your comment. I agree with a lot of what you said. But the whole Jesus died for our sins thing, it doesn't make any sense. The only payment God accepts for our sins is blood so he came to this world incarnated as Jesus and gave his own blood to himself? Every believer believes their religion is the only path. The actual path to God is far more complex than simply accepting a being into your heart as your lord and saviour. I respect your beliefs and I thank you for the respectful tone of your post. I don't believe I'll be burning in hell at the end of this life. I'll be reincarnated. That is our shared hell.

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Yes, it didn't make sense to me either for many years, I'm 44 and have believed in "God" since I was in my early 20s, so no it didn't make sense to me that God would pay our debt with his own blood, but now it does completely make sense, and I believe that's something I couldn't have figured out for myself without a supernatural act of revelation, if you'd asked me a year or two back about becoming a bible believing Christian I would have laughed, it was very unexpected, and at the time I found the evidence for it I didn't like it one bit, but I was compelled to follow the evidence.

Talking of evidence, here's something else very interesting (and not particularly overtly Christian, albeit obviously it is Christian, but the guy presenting doesn't presume you agree), rather he mainly presents hard irrefutable evidence of the supernatural authorship of the Bible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6ck6KrVPIk - at the very least I think you'd find it curious and interesting, and like I said the guy is not particularly proselytising about it.

It's really not true to say that every religious believer thinks theirs is the only path to God, in fact most religions (with the exception of much of Islam) have become very inclusive, the Catholic church openly accepting the notion that other religions are seeking the same truth as them, the Buddhists having the notion that believers of other religions are at a different stage/incarnation on the same path as them, the globalist moves to encourage dialogue between religious leaders, the construction of Astana which I believe will be central in the imposition of a one world religion, I could go on, but in general I had already known for many years (decades in fact) the curious fact that all world religions seemed to have discovered the same thing as modern physics, I had just misinterpreted that as meaning what they'd discovered was a cosmic ordering principle which we might describe as god.

Yeah, I used to believe the same as you more-or-less, for the sake of telling the truth in love I must maintain you are going to burn in hell forever lest you repent, because if I don't warn you that would be morally wrong, and I'm not speaking from a position of belief but rather knowledge (like I said, I really did not like this when I first discovered it was true), which is something that's hard to convey without coming across as condescending or as if I know better - I hope it doesn't, I laughed so hard at myself when I got shown this, and it was very humbling to realise how wrong you can be, I didn't really figure anything out for myself, it was revealed to me and isn't because I'm smart or because of any other virtue of my own.

All that said, I fully respect your right to figure it all out your own way and to believe whatever you believe, so I thank you for the opportunity to talk about it. I've never been one to shirk away from discussing emotive or divisive topics even before I got saved, I'm pretty thick skinned and I sense you are as well, so it's nice to be able to discuss such things frankly without fear of causing offence.

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At the end of the movie, once the girl his in the bunker you can see on the computer screen ( the one that says radiation levels) a date : 09-17 (September 17). The family spend two night at the house so 17-3 =14. So expecte the cyber attack around 13-14 September which funny/not funny enough his the date that has being foreshadow by many, many movies about a global cataclysm event.

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Ah, 9/13 falls on a Friday, this year (as does April 13), and they sure do like those too. I don’t want to overemphasize minutia and contribute to confusion or discrediting the watchers, but it seemed noteworthy to support your point.

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Good points. The months of February and October this year are the one I'm looking at for major events.

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Not a fan of the doom genre, I haven't watched many films.on this topic. What movies are you referring to, specifically?

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In the middle of the movie it cuts to a scene on the moon and the Earth occludes the sun - a lunar eclipse. There is a lunar eclipse on September 17th 2024. It's a partial eclipse though and the movie shows a total eclipse. That might be just for effect. So yes, September 13/14 are dates to look out for. What other movies have foreshadowed that date?

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There are many candidates for sure. This one just seems too obvious. Not not out of the realm of possibility. Others have alluded to the eclipse symbology and the 2 big eclipses dates in 2024.

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Tis a ride that’s for sure. I like your take on the subliminal narrative within the film. The ship coming ashore was pretty strong.

And the prepper’s strong rejection of aiding another was also unexpected - the projection factor - the elites are completely prepped and their rejection of us is very likely, in fact they probably installed cameras to watch the expected commoners demise as entertainment.

I expect the elites will be centre stage and we will be watching their trial and sentencing in the near future. The disclosure phase is gently showing the sleepers there are evil ones about. We need to have them see the pied pipers, naively replaced with due diligence and questioning rather than compliance.

You may be interested in my article:

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

I explain how chronic dehydration causes anxiety and intolerance to stress, hence people on low salt diets are not equipped physiologically to resist stress and will comply.

The low salt directives are responsible for most of the chronic dis-eases: diabetes, infertility, dementia etc.

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You missed the Me on the left. “Me Baa’l"

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This brief Tik Tok video contributor agrees with your date, and has additional symbolism noted


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Great analysis, RM! I have a couple of items to add to your brilliance:

1) On the Point Comfort sign you included, it shows the number 96. This is one more of the black magicians' "inverted" way of announcing The Cosmic Androgyne Agenda.

2) 1619 is also 69 and 11, so they've added one of the dark occultists' Master Numbers to the 69.

3) The Grand Theft Auto logo you added shows the VI in color with palm fronds as a subtle theme. A not-so-subtle "heads-up" to all coastal regions where lots of people live and others flock to during the cooler months elsewhere?

Nice find with the BAAL encryption!

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Thanks for the comment. I'm not familiar with 69 and this Androgyne Agenda. However, the sign has the number 76, not 96. I thought maybe it alluded to Psalm 76 "Surely your wrath against mankind brings you praise, and the survivors of your wrath are restrained.

As for Baal, that is the Christian god (lowercase intended). The Hebrew YHWH mythologies borrow heavily from the older Ugaritic Ba'al mythologies. Just as many of the OT mythologies were inherited from the Babylonian/Sumerian. Yahweh fights and defeats foes with the same name as those defeated by Baal. Both called Rider of the Clouds. Both were originally storm gods etc. There are many more similarities in their description if you study the Ugaritic texts and compare them to Isaiah 27. Baal is Yahweh and the rest was made up by Jewish authors to obfuscate this fact and the fact that the Israelites went through periods of Baal worship.

Those at the top of the pyramid know all this. And they've deceived Christians and Jews for 2 thousand years. And now they are trying to bring this entity back through dark magick. The AntiChrist, Sol Invictus...Baal.

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Thank you, Laurence. The Cosmic Androgyne Agenda is the wayward wizards' blueprint for making male and female ONE IN THE SAME BODY. They believe that original humans were both male and female. That's why they're pushing the "trans-gender" BS.

It's their way of mitigating natural procreation, doing away with females who will be replaced with exotic technology "womb-like" thingies. They want to convert all males into butt-fu*king slaves. They have been working on this agenda for millennia. Watch movies and tv for basic symbols like the sun, tunnels, caves, and other such portals, then you will see their sick agenda.

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Yep, I also came to that conclusion a while back. The whole transhumanism agenda stems from Adam. The Hebrew etymology points to him being gender-neutral, androgynous. It's a crazy world we live in.

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Yes, Adam Kadmon. I'm glad we're both aware of this repulsive, inverted, perverted agenda.

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Symbols are the links between the men with the concepts and the men who act. For thousands of years they were essential for hierarchical global control networks. Now, the top psychopath who envisions blowing up New York City has a direct command link from his smart phone to an air force of drones loaded with high explosives. Creators and maintainers of the weapon systems are not in the deployment chain of command. Incredible destruction can be triggered by one man typing one command.

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Yep. the next 6 years are going to be one wild ride.

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Hi, just watched the movie and saw your post. First, thank you for your time in writing this. I'd like to ask you, what do you think it will mean to us being "digital slaves", because its obvious that most people can already be considered digital slaves; mindless consumption, no self reflection, etc.

I guess the only thing that could turn us to be more slaves would be to live everyday on our homes through a VR headset like the Apple Vision Pro (which release date happens to be coincidental with the one's you've mentioned), and do the things that can still connect people to the real world, on a digital one. Like working, relationships, etc.. sold with the "house working comfort" and "more time available as a result as well" if you add up AI, that brings more irrelevance to us in case we're replaced. Maybe we receive UBI, who knows.. but the people behind it happens to be the same as the one's people speculate to be the one mentioned in the movie. (guy's friend)

musk - grok / mark z. - llama2 / gates - chatgpt, etc..

And also, you mention there are chances for the date to be as rockstar's latest release, though, I think whatever happens, will before 2026 (with many things in between of course). The connection between rockstar and its game as a reference seems to complex for me and I don't think Obama knew the release date when recording the movie. I think, if he gave any clue about when this is happening, its probably much more obvious just like the references you've mentioned (boat name, beach name, etc) which are well hidden for any average viewer to notice (-its just another netflix suspense movie), but not too complex for it to end up in some hidden forum with 10 people and a shoelace knowing about it. I think if Obama really wanted to spread a message, (which clearly he does), he knew how to do it so that you and I, know that it will happen, and its not a theory by a reddit user anymore. just the fact that he showed his name on the movie already means something, he wants the movie to be noticed, and I think its a clue, of course he could've hidden his identity or straight away not be involved.

Again, thank you for this post, I like your ideas. but after reading some of the information about the movie, I still don't really know what we should do with this warn, it does make sense that the whole point is to introduce more control after catastrophe (with many lives lost as a cost), its already happening, with countries like Argentina, already collapsing (has been easier to destabilize with methods like massive immigration, terrible management, etc - i'm not really informed about it)

That clearly shows that they're trying already to bring up people to the edge, so that if a promising alternative like a digital universal currency or whatever is offered, most people would go into it without thinking, (just like many gave their unique identity data for a couple of bucks to OpenAI with their orb and WorldCoin)

And so, what's the point of us knowing about it? sure some can get some supplies, if you're lucky maybe go to some rural place away from city, but still, we don't have a bunker like the one zuckerberg's currently building in hawaii, we don't have any protection against anything, if what happened on the movie actually does, and they do use frequencies against people as a weapon, then tinfoil would only protect the little ant lost in my room. I guess its all up to these people and how much harm they want to cause, they won't wipe population I'm sure about it, if they wanted to do so, they'd have already with the pandemic or literally anytime, they could whenever they want. What they want is to cause enough damage for people to have fear, but damn I don't wanna lose my teeths.. i just, instead of prepared now i feel vulnerable thanks to this movie.. welp, i guess my life destiny could be depending on these people morning mood.. uhh.. but yeah, happy new year!!

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Thanks for your comment! First of all, no sense in living in fear or anxiety. It's still a beautiful world out there and there are many things you can do to prepare. I certainly am. I came to the conclusion that this was probably the endgame in one of my posts at the end of 2021. For the last few years I've been getting my shit together. I'm learning how to grow food. I bought rice fields and second hand equipment and this year we harvested 3 tons of rice. Every time I go shopping I buy a bit extra. I converted a room in my house to a working pantry and I cycle through everything. I only store what my family eats so that food always gets eaten. I just used a can of sweetcorn in a fish pie and it was 20 months past the sell-by date. Canned goods generally last for many more years than printed on the can.

I don't have a lot of spare cash but I always budget $50-$100/mo for an item that I think would be useful in the apocalypse. I bought a canner and mason jars, an oil press, a seed mill, a manual food processor, water filters - things like that. In a scenario with no electricity we would cook on portable gas stoves so I have 3 of those. The cans of gas for them come in packs of 3 for about $4. Each can gives you about an hour of cooking time. So I grab a pack every now and then and have about 500 cans stored by now, lol. I also buy a 20 liter jerry can for gasoline every month. Extra puncture repair kits for bikes etc. I'm hoping I will have a 48 hour heads up before SHTF and I have a list of last minute emergency items to get and a stack of cash to get them with.

I'm convinced this is going to happen. Like i said, came to that conclusion 2 years ago. So it's easy for me to do these things and all on a limited budget too. Preparedness is a mindset mostly, and enacting the things can just be a hobby. I've really enjoyed reconnecting with the Earth these past 2 years. Growing food is a joy. I also built a chicken coop and we now have 40 chickens.

If there was a cyberattack like this and it was worldwide we would experience a complete societal collapse. That is going to wipe out a lot of people due to unrest, war and starvation. I wouldn't worry about the specifics in the film, like your teeth falling out. :)

Some people think I'm nuts. I think they are nuts because they don't understand the trajectory we are on. Even if we avoid the cyberattack we are still going to see a financial meltdown worse then the Great Depression. And world war 3. Unfortunately we will probably see all three.

Happy to talk more about preparedness aka prepping. At best it's going to increase your chances. At worst it's a rewarding hobby. What's not to like?

Lastly, NO FEAR! This life is but one step on a wondrous journey. No one makes it out alive but before I move to the next one I'm going to make it bloody hard for them to kill me and my family. :)

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And that's the world we live in now. :)

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Nothing on the movie screen is there by chance. If there is something on a sign, it was put there deliberately and to convey specific information and/or to create certain emotions. We may not want to believe what the OP writes on this but each of those names were deliberately chosen.

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Yep, certainly not random! We don't have long to wait if what I've been writing about comes to pass. 2024 and 2025 are going to be a crazy ride.

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Not that the last three have been a picnic.

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